This is a very special bear, for a very special cause. This bears name will appear shortly when I have permission to use it. Why all the secrecy? Because this bear is named in honour of a person who is a victim of a violent hate crime. This bear stands for peace.

In a time when the world is in uproar, a group of people have united to make a stand for peace. These people come from all walks of life, and from all parts of the globe. Some of them are joining a hike - the Hike Against Hate and Violence, from Seattle to Fort Collins, Colorado. An amazing man, Lee Thomson, decided to start this hike in memory of his friend, Matthew Shepard, and he uncovered a well of people who felt the same way - that there is no place for hate. Through Kelly Dean and Olivier Dunrea, the word of peace spread to the teddy bear mailing list, and bear makers, like me, have made bears for the hikers to carry. These bears will be auctioned at the end of the hike to raise money for the IHAVE foundation. Please visit their site and learn more about this remarkable endeavour.

Make a stand against hate and violence.



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About the Maker